Wednesday, September 7, 2011


我发现原来哭是会变成种习惯的。 最近我时常哭了。不知从何时开始, 我变得脆弱了。要忍受一遍又一遍的坏消息,我深深了解到人不伤心是不会流泪的。
在大都会里,有许多地方都不能让你放怀大哭。我还是偷偷的哭泣了, 在巴士上哭了, 在咖啡厅里哭了,听着歌的时候哭了, 在回家的路上哭了。在戏院里哭了。每到夜深人静的时候, 每想到妈妈严重的病情, 我的眼泪就忍不著流下来。希望妈妈的身体明天会更好。

她的健康一天一天的被摧毁,仿佛被死神在追赶。她依然勇敢地奋斗下去。 看着她慢慢地瘦下去, 我心好痛, 我们的心都好痛。我不想让她看见我流泪, 不想让她心痛。
我不想她离去, 我尽力了, 累了, 眼红了,泪干了,皱纹多了,我还能做些什么?

昌明的医学在她的身体留下了无数的伤势。 片体鲮伤,全靠那五颜六色的止痛药来麻醉痛楚。迷迷糊糊也要强颜隐瞒腹部的剧痛。

妈妈对我很好,无微不止。其实个性比较内向的我,很多关于我的生活点滴,我都埋在心里, 只把开心的, 愉快的, 快乐的事情向她报告, 与她分享。 其实我很清楚她不只是想听这些,她是希望知道我的所有开心与不开心的一切。


如果家是个舞台, 那她就是那风华绝代的天后。
如果家是个医院, 那她就是那精通医药的名医。

她的离去,仿似一切也不再珍贵, 唯一值得安慰的是她不须要再痛了, 不须被折磨了。但我再也吃不到她的拿手好菜,喝不到她泡的咖啡,也听不到她罗罗嗦嗦的问好和劝导。没有她在旁细心提点,我可以好好地生活下去吗?我会尽力而为,不让妈妈失望 :')


I Love You, Mi

Friday, August 26, 2011

Cebu Island - A land of Corals and Mangoes

I realized that when a person lived in a comfort zone for too long, he tend to lose the courage to explore, the ability to face uncertainties, or changes. There are lots of people on the street of Cebu, the way they dress are unlike us in kl or singapore. They wear simple t shirt and singlet, shorts and slippers. Street lighting are poor. The road has only single lane for each direction and it was dusty. Once inside the grand mall, There's a sense of happiness and relieved. Looking at the familiar brands, the bright lighting, and the air condition, for some reason I felt secured.
Security is tight around here, ready to open your bag for inspection when you arrive at the hotel or shopping malls.
I travelled to the coast of Mactan island. It is crowded, but not with shopping complexes but villages. I rode on the tricycles, a local primary form of transportation, it's unsightly, but efficient. The car next to me was so close, and sometimes, when a car tried to overtake us, the excitement is on par with the roller coastal ride. Good experience though :)

The local tourism is promoting the island as a paradise like vacation destination. Agreed, as the many resorts and hotels are built on white sand beaches, with crystal clear blue pacific ocean. But if you travelled down the street, you cant help to notice many poor, and homeless. There includes children as well.

Philippinos are well-known to their kindness and care, well in this materialized world everything has come with a price, no one are left out. Expect better services if you prepared to pay more.

I had a wonderful trip, especially at the dive centre, I signed up to a Korean run dive centre, language was a barrier as the dive instructor speaks mainly in Korean. However, I have meet some wonderful young Korean guys there.

It's a Christian country, as majority people here are roman catholic. My limited understanding of christian is that each Christian has to make donation or offering to the church each month. And most of the time, the money is being used to built a grander and more luxurious church, at least some of the church I'm KL and Singapore did that. Is there a way that this rich church channel some tiny bit of their 'reserve' to their fellow brothers and sisters here in Cebu? Not only to help them for a better life but also to feed them. I will not up load any street photo, it is up to you to visit the place to experience it. Cebu, I'll be definitely be back :) -Selamat (Thank You)

Building and Statue

 A Chinese Temple
 The Century Old Fort San Pedro
Statues at the Mactan Shrine
 The Statue of the Native Philippino
 The Cebu City Pier - Gateway to the Bohol Island

The Local People
BBQ Satey Seller - loved it.

Young and Happy

The Worlds Smallest Primate, Tarsier - Found only in Bohol island

Another close-up
The Country Side

In side the Baclayon Church. Love the lighting effect
Local Ladies by the Marigondon Jetty
The Sea Side

Children are playing in the water by the Marigondon jetty

Local Younglings

Walking Home After School
The Temple Roof

The mighty Loboc River

Father and Son

At the dive centre - Truly a Paradise

Villagers relaxing by the road side 

And last but not least - Look At the Size of that juicy Mango!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

'Namaste' - Little India

March 4, Little India Singapore, a famuos indian ethnic place found in Singapore. My intention was to produce some black & white photos of the place. I went in the evening after office hour, and the place was very busy. The area/street is full of Tamil culcutural element, like temple,  restaurants, stalls selling various decorations, sarees, jasmine garlands, greens, and many many more.

For your information the Singapore government has recently passed a new rules for Thaipusam (celebrate by Indian ethnic).Under the new rules, no singing or music is allowed in the procession. The 2011 guidelines states that “shouting and other forms of unruly behavior is prohibited; participants shall not paint their faces or bodies or wear any form of disguise”.

 I have added the colour photos as well.

Colour Series
Many stalls are selling the colourful Jasmine garlands

colourful decorations
Dried Coconut

Black & White Series
fresh greens
The park and The community

The back alley, tidy and clean
Book/magazine stall by the road side
At the traffic light

At the traffic light 2
Where are we now ?
Tailor shop
the shopkeepers
mom in saree

Monday, February 28, 2011

Don't Think, Just Shoot - Lomography

Recently, i downloaded an iphone app which captures lomography images.
Well, the' lomo' effect is quite impressive. Just aim, shoot and wait for the result. Simply based on 1 rule - 'don't think , just shoot' in which i kinda agree with it. Using the DSLR, quite often we (the beginners) are stressed out by all the setting and adjustment prior to a shoot and sometime times, the result is not encouraging. However, With the lomo camera, things are like go back to the very basic of photography,- to capture a memorable moment of life with an artistic touch. The unpredictable output of the software thats what amazes me. Let's take a look of the very 'artistic' feel it created.
my messy work station...

Evening peak hour in Singapore

Darth Vader Piggybank

Starbucks coffee mug

Happy Chinese New Year!


 Can you see a dragon in the sky?
Dear All Readers  = I love You !