July 23rd, It's the much waited HGGC anual trip again. Destination - The Tioman Island. Actually i 've been diving trip to Tioman island a few times before. But this time i spend my time with my best friends.
The first day was cloudy and the weather was bad, as it was raining when we arrived, but it's getting better towards the end of the day. We had plenty of beer and fooling around by the sea side, it's a happy day :)
It was clear skies the second day, and we went to the near by water fall and diving. We had a lot of fun playing at the waterfall, but for the diving trip... nothing speacial :(, but it was good to dive with my bros again. Here are some photos taken during the trip. From the photos, i realised that the exposure was out, as i cannot get the sea color right. I'm still trying to solve this problem.
The resort sign board
The room we stayed